About the Article
Our President, Sam Filmus, wasn’t sure what to expect when he was approached by Mark Pruett about doing an interview for Whiskey Network.
Sam is a very humble guy, and not a person who feels that he deserves any type of acclaim or individual recognition. For him, his successess are shared ones. He sees no benefit in being the guy that takes the credit.
After a bit of prodding, Mark finally got Sam to agree to just do a Zoom interview with him and they had a great conversation chatting away about Sam’s two favorite loves (outside of his family, of course) whisky and ImpEx.
Our office recently got an email asking for some photos of Sam for a feature, but we NEVER would have imagined they would be compiled in this fantastic cover story.
Read the Full Whiskey Network Article by Clicking Here
I consider Sam Filmus to be a friend and I admire him in so many ways. Truth be told, he was one of the first people I reached out to when I took on a greater role at Whiskey Network. His guidance and support have been essential.
It’s an honor to present my profile of his unique whiskey journey. Our conversation was truly engaging and we could have spent several other sessions going down a lot of whisky related rabbit holes.
If you’re not familiar with Sam and ImpEx Beverages/JVS Imports, take a journey with me to learn more. If you know him in any capacity, I hope that my profile does him the justice he deserves.
Having him on our November 2024 cover has been a long time in the works. Genevieve worked her magic for a fantastic image.
He truly does live every moment for love of whisky.
Cheers and thank you, Sam!
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